(Hukamnama - Sri Satguru Ram Singh Ji)
When Sri Satguru Ram Singh Ji were in Punjab, within 10 years, as recorded by Giani Gian Singh, the number of Sikhs rose to a record-breaking high 700,000! Guru Sahib's Supreme Reign in Punjab was spreading at the speed of Light. Entire families, and even villages were becoming Sikhs of Guru Sahib just by the Darshan(Sight) of Guruji.
In a single visit to The Golden Temple He Created Thousands of Sikhs, as mentioned in the government's report Document No. XX (A):
"He (Sat Guru Ram Singh Ji) again visited the Darbar Sahib on the 28th, and remained at his boonga for some time, where Sirdar Shumsher Singh of Raja Sansee and his brother Thakoor Singh called on him and presented offerings. During his visit he has made many, some say 2000 (two thousand) proselytes."
A Guru's Sikh Does Not care about what others say. And so was true with the Sikhs of Satguru Ram Singh Ji who did not pay any attention to the englishmen but were whole-heartedly devouted to Satguruji and were ready to give-up their lives for their Nation and Religion. This kind of attitude worried the britishers and they wanted to do something in order to stop Guruji from creating any more anti-british Sikhs.
The englishmen did all they could, unsuccessfully, in order to slow down the Sikhs' Movements. After sending Guru Sahib out of India, Gurdwara Sri Bhaini Sahib was under heavy inspection. No more than five Namdhari Sikhs were allowed to congregate anywhere. No Diwan or Kirtan was allowed. No letters from Guruji and the Sikhs were allowed to be exchanged. They tried everything they could. But they were still unsuccessful. Sikhs were ready to shed their bloods but would not give up their Nitname and many went as far as selling all their belongings in order to pay for expenses they faced in traveling to have Darshan of Sri Satguru Ram Singh Ji.
However, though they were unable to negotiate nor wipe out the Sikhs, their missionaries were converting a large number of people to christians. After many Sikhs converted themselves to christians, a group of Sikhs which included Sardar Thakoor Singh, whose name is mentioned above in the government's report, formed a body of Sikhs called The Singh Sabha Amritsar. This Singh Sabha however, contained many of those who believed Satguru Ram Singh Ji to be the 12th Avatar of Guru Nanak Devji and many of its members were not pleased with the englishmen's presence in Punjab.
The Singh Sabha Amritsar movement attracted attentions of the general public as well as the government and the proposal was made by the britishers for Singh Sabha to become their alliance.
The proposal was accepted by them superficially, but the main goal of Singh Sabha Amritsar to spread Sikhism as well as the thinkings of its members who believed in an Akal Purakh Satguru were not altered.
The next step for the englishmen was to change the 'goal' and 'thinkings' of singh sabha, for which they would need a 'man' who could be able to help them.
And eventually the 'man' was found. His name was Gurmukh Singh, a british-devouted person who studied in the englishmen's college in Lahore.
Gurmukh Singh joined the Singh Sabha Amritsar and tried to alter its goals to give up the tradition of Worshiping an Akal Purakh Satguru to the christianity-like bible-centered religion which is easily controlled by the leaders of the church and has been an effective tool used by the britishers in their own land to control their people.
But Gurmukh Singh failed to do what he wanted. Though he gained popularity and was closely watched by the public as well as the government, he was still unsuccessful to change the Singh Sabha Amritsar's members' minds. So he quit after serving in Singh Sabha for 6 years.
But that was not the end of this 'man' who has cut a deep wound into Sikhism. He, with help from his gods, the britishers, formed a Sabha called the Singh Sabha Lahore, whose many members were government officials.
With government's support to brain-wash the public, Gurmukh Singh found there to be no much competition.
The Namdhari Sikhs of Guru Sahib were carefully watched by the britishers and were tortured in many ways. Many were thrown into prisons with the crime of doing Akhand Paths. Many were arrested for holding a Congregation or Reciting Prayers. And many were also sank in the Andaman Sea for committing similar 'crimes'!
As one would suspect, Gurmukh Singh's Singh Sabha Lahore easily overpowered the earlier Singh Sabha Amritsar with the aids he received from the englishmen. Many members of the earlier Singh Sabha were also 'purchased' and the task of spreading the englishmen-devouted-sikhism was easily accomlished with the medias as well as Temples that were available to them.
Sikh Literatures as well as Gurus' Sakhis were altered to serve the purpose of promoting Aad Granth Sahib as guru.
However, since people who actually read the Aad Granth Sahib and believed what was written in the Granth (which does nothing else other than Praises The Akal Purakh Satguru) were not following the englishmen's commands very well, the sly englishmen came up with another idea. Instead of letting people make their own decisions based on what they read from Aad Granth Sahib, they offered to help them by making the 'Panj Pyaras' the gurus and give out orders by altering the meanings of verses written in Aad Granth Sahib.
-*Panj Pyaras of Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Guru Ram Singh Ji were always nothing more than Sevadars(Devouted Servers).*-
But once again, their plan was not ready for prime-time, and different bands of 'Panj Pyaras' sitting at different Temples were making decisions that were against each others'! Seeing the many 'five-beloved-ones' being unfit to serve as guru, their newest plan was hatched and they set up the 'Panth' as guru!
Though they might have thought of it as a democratic way to run a cult, they probably did not realize that in the same manner that communal objects do not belong to anyone, in a cult that everyone is a guru there usually is none!
What will the singh sabha think of next? One can only wonder and hope someday they would come to their senses with the Holy Blessings of Sri Satguruji.