Throughout the volumes of Sikh Literature, the Guru has always been regarded as The Avatar of God, with the duty of putting wrong-doers on the right track and to expose the Truthful way towards achieving Salvation. In accordance to Gurbani, as also mentioned above, it is The Satguru Who Provides The Sikhs with The Amrit. It has never been recorded that any Sikh has baptised his Guru and give Him Amrit. The Guru is, according to Bhai Gurdas: Such a level of respect is never given to anyone else. Not even to those who were 'related' to Guru Sahib. For The Satguru is An Akal Purakh, and does not conform to the law of life and death. Neither is His Holiness limited within the cycle of reincarnation through the 8.4 million species mentioned in the Granth Sahibs. The Satguru is The Creator and The Destroyer. It is only with His Blessings that a person, i.e. a Sikh, can gain anything out of life. A person or a group of persons, no matter how learnt, no matter how well-behaved or devouted, no matter how diligent, is not an Akal Purakh. However, since the beginning of Singh Sabha movement, it is taught otherwise. After the Sri Aad Granth Sahib was proclaimed guru, their next step was to change the meanings of verses contianed inside in order to control people. This could have only been accomplished by granting 'guruship' to the Panj Pyare. Hence many false banis as well as Historical Sikh Literatures were fabricated and/or altered.
It is vividly and wrongly illustrated that when Guru Sahib Created the Khalsa in 1699 AD., after baptizing the Panj Pyare He inturn fell on his knees and received Amrit from them! The first reaction that comes to one's mind is the probability of such an incident to happen. The act of kneeling symbolizes nothing less than 'giving-up' or 'accepting one's defeat'. So is it possible that Sri Satguru Gobind Singh Ji would have ever done such a thing? Besides, when even today there is no House of Worship where Amrit is given to a person kneeling down, it becomes even more suspicious. With just a few turn of pages, the truth can be known, for in all accounts of Sikh Literature written before the creation of Singh Sabha, it is recorded times and times again that: When Guru Sahib created the Khalsa, He drank the Amrit using His Khanda five times and then He gave the Amrit to the Sikhs in the same Maryada(rule/principle) that was Re-Created by His Twelfth Avatar, Sri Satguru Ram Singh Ji: First Guruji (Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji) gave them Amrit five times to drink. With each drink, He Ordered the Sikh to repeat after Him: Then He sprinkled the Amrit in their hair five times and then again He sprinkled the Amrit in their eyes five times. Thus, one would come to the conclusion that such a fairy-tale of Panj Pyare giving Amrit to Guru Sahib NEVER took place. It was a mere hoax created by singh sabha leaders to brain-wash the public into accepting the Panj Pyares as their 'gurus'. -*To remove the smallest trace of doubt that Amrit was never given to Guruji by Panj Pyare, the following Historical Literatures may be quoted: 1) Gurbilas Patshahi Dasvi by Koer Singh Kalal: Written in 1751 A.D., it only states that Amrit was Prepared and Given to Panj Pyare by Guruji. No mention of Panj Pyare giving Amrit to Guruji is present in this volume. 2) Gurbilas Patshahi Dasvi by Sukha Singh: Written in 1797 A.D.: It is written very similarly as the older Gurbilas and no mention of anyone giving Amrit to Guruji is mentioned. 3) Bansavli Nama Dasa Patshahia Ka by Kesar Singh Chibbar: Written in 1769 A.D., it is infact written that Satguruji Ordered Patasas to be put in The Amrit and when Chaupa Singh presented The sweetened Bowl of Amrit to Guruji, Guruji Shak(Drank) It Himself using His Finger:
4) Mehma Parkash by Saroop Das Bhalla: Written in 1774 A.D.: It is clearly written that Satguruji Shak Amrit by Himself 5 times and then Gave Amrit to the Panj Pyare:
5) Guru Kia Sakhia by Bhatt Saroop Singh
Koshish: Written in 1790 A.D. in Bhattakhari language, it was translated into
Gurmukhi in 1868 A.D. 6) Panth Parkash by Gianni Gian Singh: Written in 1889 A.D.: It is clearly written that Guruji Shak Amrit by Himself and then Gave It to His Sikhs: 7) Twareekh Khalsa by Gianni Gian Singh: Written in 1891 A.D.: It is again crystal clear that Guruji Shak Amrit Himself 5 times and only then did He proceed to Give It to His Sikhs: 8) Sudharam Marag Granth by SantBaba Bhoop Singh Nirmala: Written in 1811 A.D. it was published in 1923 A.D. In this book, it is written that Mataji(Either Mata Jeetoji or Mata Sundriji) put the Patasas in The Amrit and Satguruji Shak(Drank) The Amrit by Himself: Considering all the above mentioned Historical Literatures, many also written well after the creation of Singh Sabha Lahore, the fact that Satguru Gobind Singh Ji Shak Amrit by Himself can no longer be denied.*-