When Guru Gobind Singh Ji Created the Khalsa in 1756 Bikarmi (1699 AD), He created a distinct group of Sikhs, The Amritdhari. His Holiness Blessed them with Five Weapons: Kes, Kanga, Kirpan, Kashera, and Kara, and transformed them into Singhs(Lions). Then Guru Sahib Himself became known as Guru Gobind Singh instead of Guru Gobind Rai. However, it must be noted that Guru Sahib gave Amrit to only Men and not women. But today it seems like most people are assuming that Guru Sahib gave Amrit to both men and women as well as 'all' of the Sikhs during the time. Mata Jeeto Ji, Mata Sahib Deva Ji as well as other of Guru's Mahals (wives) are being called names like 'Mata Jeeto Kaur' (sometimes 'Ajeet Kaur') and 'Mata Sahib Kaur' etc. which are historically incorrect. Even Banda Bahader is many times refered to by some writers as Banda Singh, not knowing that his name was changed to Gurbaksh Singh (Though he remained popularly known as "Banda"). Another Gursikh whose name is many times distorted is Diwan Nand Lal, who's being called Nand Lal Singh by some non-Namdhari writers, even though historical records show that he never even recieved Amrit or became an Amritdhari Sikh! Part of this error is due to the singh sabha's effort to deprive the public of the truth that oridnary women did not usually have the title 'Kaur' attached to their names and weren't allowed to be baptized until the Maryada was Created by Sri Satguru Ram Singh Ji, The Akal Purakh Satguru whose Presence in Punjab as well as Orders worried the singh sabha leaders' english-gods. |