Reduce Your Risk Of Heart Attack And Stroke By 85%
Just By Becoming a Vegetarian!

When a smoker dies of lung cancer, people often think, "How preventable- how stupid- if only he'd cared more for his health and fitness." Well, isn't it just as stupid to kill yourself by cutting off the flow of blood to your heart?

If you eat health-depleting animal foods, that's exactly what you're doing - and your odds of dying prematurely from a heart attack or stroke are worse than 50%. Why?

Animal products don't make you healthy or fit. On the contrary, the cholesterol and saturated fats in health-depleting animal foods pour through your blood stream, clog your arteries, and severely hinder the flow of blood to your heart. (Call it "slow suicide".)

When you prioritize your health and fitness, and stop eating animal flesh, your risk drops to just 15%.-- reducing your risk of a fatal heart disease by an incredible 85%! This is a huge step towards improving your health and fitness.

Another heart-hazard is cholesterol. And remember: Cholesterol Always Comes From Animal Foods - Never From Plant Foods!

Note: Health-giving plant foods have zero cholesterol. Cholesterol only comes from health-depleting animal foods, and egg yolks (which are meant to feed baby chicks for 21 days with no other energy) are the worst offenders. Animal foods deplete your health and fitness.

Similarly, the vast majority of unhealthy saturated fat comes from health-depleting animal flesh.

These are just two reasons why animal foods deplete your health and fitness, while health-giving plant foods build your health and fitness (they can halt or even reverse artery damage).


Source: Anonymous


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