Extract from
The Panth Parkash:

He(Guru Ram Singh) Made people give up smoking and keep unshorn hair. Particularly Fortunate were those who Partook of the Nectar and Entered The Sikh Fold. His Fame Spread Apace. People in Multitude became His Disciples. Manifold Grew The Khalsa.

His Disciples, Soaked in The Bliss of Nam, gave up opium, hashish, poppy, liquor and various other intoxicants. They would not eat meat. They would not steal. They foreswore adultery and deception. They Practised Saintliness.

The Golden Age has returned.

Dharma & Sikhism
Sri Guru Nanak's Message
Namdhari Singhs & Dharma
Sri Satguru Ram Singh Ji Maharaj

Your Food Choices
Can Help Save the Environment


Cupsize Heart Attack

Pig Farm Cruelty

How 'soft',
 is your 'soft drink'?

It's a chicken's life

Keep your heart healthy!
His Holiness Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji Maharaj
The Supreme Spritual Leader of The Namdhari Sikhs.

The Namdhari Sikhs, over 2 million globally, are Staunch Vegetarians...[More]

Cow Protection: What is it?

What's wrong with leather?


  The Namdhari Faith Web Site